
Future Olympic Game

Future Olympic Game

Olympic Games have great importance in human life. Different players from different countries are doing very hard struggle to get the chance in the Olympic games. The previous Olympic games are croquet, motor boating, polo, tug-of-war, plunge for distance, underwater swimming, obstacle race for swimming, cricket, lacrosse, jeu de paume and racquets, etc considered the best sport. It is said that changing is a part of human life. The human life is changing with the passage of time. As the trend of the Olympic game is also changes time to time. There are some games that expect to be next Olympic game in future are discussing in detail. 

Squash is a ball sport. This sport is consisting of two or four players. These players are playing this sport in a small four wall consisting court. The players are using hollow rubber ball for playing this sport. The players are must alternating in striking the ball with their racket and hit the ball onto the playable surfaces of the four walls of the court. This game was formerly called squash racket. The governing body of squash sport the World Squash Federation is recognized by the International Olympic Committee. But this is not the part of Olympic Games instead a lot of a number of application. It is expected that this sport should be included next Olympic game in future.
Wakeboard is the one of the water sport. The sport is consisting of ridding awake board over the surface of a body of water. The wakeboard is a small mostly rectangular and thin board. It is used with very little displacement and shoe like binding to it. It was developed from the combination of water skiing, snowboarding, and the surface techniques. The wakeboard is usually pulled along behind the motorboat. Its speed is consisting of 30 to 40 km per hour. The speed is depending on the board size, weight, types of tricks and comfort. The speed of the wakeboard depends on the year, make, and model of the boat. Because some boats, which are not designed for wakeboarding create a different size.  It is expected that this sport should be included next Olympic game in future.
Netball is one of the ball sports. This sport is consisting of two teams. Each team has seven players. It is developed by drove from an early version of basketball. The international playing rules had been standardized for this game. These games are played on the four wall consisting rectangular coat. This rectangular coat is developing with raised goal rings at each end. Each team tried to attempt to do as much as score goal by passing a ball down to the coat and try to shoot it throw its goal rings. The player is assigned its specific position. This player position which helps to define their role within the team and restrict their movement to the specific area of the coat. It is expected that this sport should be included next Olympic game in future.

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