
Ancient Olympic Games

Various Ancient Olympic Games

In the history, it is observed that the concept of Olympic games coming for many years ago. The ancient Olympic was considered the different types of few events as compared to the modern games. Such kind of Ancient Olympic Games only Greek men can participate in it. But there is victorious women chariot owner are also found in the history. The criteria to participate in the Olympic Games only Greek city-state kingdom are allowed to participate in it. During the celebration of such kind of games, the Olympic truce was fulfilled their responsibility that the athletes can travel from their cities to the game in safety. There are following ancient game which is discussing in detail.


Pankration was one of the events of ancient times. It was a sports event. It was introduced by Greek Olympic Games in 648 BC. It was one of the empty hand submission sports. This sport was played almost not any specific rules. These sports consist of two men. In which athletes were using boxing and wrestling techniques. The athletes could also use like kicking and holds, locks and chokes on the field or ground. Only one thing cannot be acceptable in this ancient Olympic Games were biting and gouging out of the rival athlete eyes. This kind of sport became very famous at their time. This gets lots of popularity in that time.


Running is the method of relating to the earth movement allowing different human beings and animals to move rapidly on foot. Running is a type of a person’s manner of walking characterized by an existing phase in which all feet are above the ground. In history, running was introduced by Greece at 776 BC. Running is one of the accident Olympic Games. Running is very important to the member of the ancient Greek society. The Olympic Games are hosting a large variety of running events, each with their set of rules. Running is one of the most popular game in ancient times as well as in this centuries. People are like to watch racing games on television in which different player from different countries are participating in it.


Wrestling is one of the famous sports. It is fighting between armed force type sports. This sport may involve fighting without weapons type techniques like as clinch fighting, throws and takedown, joints, pins and another type of grappling hold. The sport can be either related to acting for entertainment or genuinely competitive. Wrestling is a short period of intense activity of specified kind physical competition, among two competitors or sparring partners, who are trying to attempt to gain and maintain a superior position. There is a wide range of styles with different rules with both traditional historic and modern style. Wrestling is one of the ancient Olympic Games. It is very popular at that time.  Wrestling techniques have been incorporated into other material arts as well as the military hand-to-hand combat system.

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